Category Archives: P02: Landesinstitut für Schulentwicklung und Lehrerbildung

2011 Inter-stage Teacher Training on Commemoration in Hamburg finished

From December 8th to 10th, 2011, a mixed group of teachers and trainees from different stages of  teacher education (initial, second phase, in-service) met first at the Landesinstitut in  Hamburg and at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp memorial study center, in … Continue reading

Posted in 50: History teaching, 51: Teaching concepts/lesson plans on memory culture, 57: Decentral teacher training, Hamburg, Körber, Andreas, Neuengamme, P01: Hamburg University, P02: Landesinstitut für Schulentwicklung und Lehrerbildung, Proceedings, Project Partners, Workpackage 13, Workpackage 14, Workpackage 17 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on 2011 Inter-stage Teacher Training on Commemoration in Hamburg finished

I Will Survive: Dancing Auschwitz

Watch this video : On a recent trip to Europe, a family of three generations (a Holocaust survivor, his daughter and his grandchildren) dance to Gloria Gaynor’s pop song – ‘I Will Survive’ at concentration camps and memorials throughout Europe. … Continue reading

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2 Books to be recommended

There are two new books which have a very close respect to our issues and which I find very exciting: Firstly the book from Henning Niederhoff who was the representative for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Palestine and was living in Ramallah for  the years 1994 to … Continue reading

Posted in Rosa-Robra, Lisa, Useful external material | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to use the TeacMem project blog

Here you may find a guideline for using our project blog. I hope you will find it comprehensible and useful. I apologize for my bad English – please, feel free to correct my mistakes! And please tell me about every … Continue reading

Posted in Rosa-Robra, Lisa, Working materials | Tagged | Comments Off on How to use the TeacMem project blog

Working Material: The importance of the individual mind for learning processes

Here you can find the¬†slides as well as the text¬†of my “input” given on the initial meeting in Neuengamme 2009 on Oktober 31st : Text_LR_NG2009 By rob Although this material¬†will be¬†also uploaded in the page ‘dates and events – presentations’,¬†a … Continue reading

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