Tag Archives: Historical Consciousness

2 Books to be recommended

There are two new books which have a very close respect to our issues and which I find very exciting: Firstly the book from Henning Niederhoff who was the representative for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Palestine and was living in Ramallah for  the years 1994 to … Continue reading

Posted in Rosa-Robra, Lisa, Useful external material | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

From Historical Consciousness to Historical Competencies

Dear Colleagues, please find here the slide show which I showed you at the Initial meeting in Neuengamme “From Historical Consciousness to Historical Competencies”. I post it in “PowerPoint” (.ppt) and Adobe (PDF) Format. 2009_30_31_Neuengamme_Consciousnes_Competencies 2009_30_31_Neuengamme_Consciousnes_Competencies. Yours Andreas

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