Author Archives: Lisa Rosa

I Will Survive: Dancing Auschwitz

Watch this video : On a recent trip to Europe, a family of three generations (a Holocaust survivor, his daughter and his grandchildren) dance to Gloria Gaynor’s pop song – ‘I Will Survive’ at concentration camps and memorials throughout Europe. … Continue reading

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Historians criticize the new shaping of “Ehrenmahl Laboe”

The memory site in Laboe near Kiel is a  hero memory site of the Wehrmacht marines – it mingles perpetrators and victims and is an overwhelming presentation instead of a presentation which facilitates “reflected history conciousness” – say five historians (e.g. Detlev Garbe) about the new … Continue reading

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A novel about routinization of remembrance

Iris Hanika’s novel “Das Eigentliche” reflects some problems of the institutionalized commemoration. Martin Zingg has reviewed the novel:

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2 Books to be recommended

There are two new books which have a very close respect to our issues and which I find very exciting: Firstly the book from Henning Niederhoff who was the representative for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Palestine and was living in Ramallah for  the years 1994 to … Continue reading

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Deutsche Bahn und deutsche Erinnerungskultur

“Die “Deutsche Bahn AG” beteiligt sich mit einer “Leistungsschau des Eisenbahnbaus” am Jubiläumsjahr und präsentiert die hakenkreuzgeschmückte “Reichsbahn”-Lok E 19 12 – ein “Glanzlicht der Eisenbahngeschichte”, heißt es am Auschwitz-Gedenktag auf der Website des Unternehmens. Diese innerdeutsche Leugnung der Verbrechenszusammenhänge … Continue reading

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Press article about students’ missing motivation to learn about the holocaust

An interesting press article refers¬†a study that¬†identifies¬†the problem¬†of students’ motivation to learn about the holocaust in the lack of¬†constructing a¬†connection with the students’ present.

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An Interesting Article about Memory Sites in the Digital Age

Demokratische Erinnerung Der Streit um die Stiftung “Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung” zeigt: Ein zentrales und repräsentatives Gedenken passt nicht ins digitale Zeitalter Dies ist das Fazit des Artikels von Pit Fiedler in der Taz vom 7.1.10

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How to use the TeacMem project blog

Here you may find a guideline for using our project blog. I hope you will find it comprehensible and useful. I apologize for my bad English – please, feel free to correct my mistakes! And please tell me about every … Continue reading

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Memory culture web 2.0

One member of my twitter net community has sent me the following link about a new practice in the internet, to create with social media a actually dead holocaust victim as virtual vivid. This creation is called in the article … Continue reading

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Historical Analogy: Helpdesk in the Middle Ages

This video is original Norwegian – subtitled in German language.¬†It’s¬†about how¬†the specific main information and communication media of¬†our own reference framing¬†¬†age is shaping our expectations and our behaviour: Helpdesk in the Middle Ages

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