
With in the teacMem project,  a number of teaching concepts and methods were developed for addressing memory culture in an interculturally reflective way in teacher training and history teaching at school. Most of them are being published in

Bjerg, Helle; Körber, Andreas; Lenz, Claudia; von Wrochem, Oliver (Eds.; 2013): Teaching Historical Memories in an Intercultural Perspective. Concepts and Methods. Experiences and Results from the TeacMem Project. Edited on behalf of  Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial. Berlin: Metropol (Neuengammer Kolloquien; 4), ISBN 978-3-86331-114-8

  1. Memory Cultures in Denmark, Norway and Germany
    1. The TeacMem project addressed memory cultures on the examples of the shared and divided histories of Denmark, Germany and Germany in the time of World War II, namely the occupation of the former two countries by the latter one and the imprisonment of many Scandinavians in German Concentrations Camps, but also their release by the “White Buses Action” of Spring 1945 — just before the German capitulation. The three countries have developed quite different forms of addressing this past in their public but also private memories. The uniting Europe faces the challenge of developing an own memory culture, just like a new “common European historical consciousness”. However, the role model of nation building by history teaching so successful in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century may not be followed again within Europe because of the equally great but quite diverse relevance of historical memories in different European nations. The challenge of “growing together” and of developing a new, common Historical Consciousness for the “New Europe” therefore includes the challenge of not eradicating the differences in favor of a new, monolithic historical consciousness and memory culture, but rather to promote an open attitude towards diversity in historical interpretation (within the limits of reason and plausibility, of course) and to promote the abilities to detect, tolerate, accept, recognize and reflect the different historical accounts and interpretations, their relevance for identities and future lives. History teaching therefore must rather be
    2. Part of the results of the TeacMem Project therefore are presentations of the specificities of “national” (but also “regional”) memory cultures related to WWII as they have become subject within the TeacMem seminars. They are presented in the following articles within Bjerg/Körber/Lenz/von Wrochem (Eds.; 2013): ... more
  2. Teaching Concepts and Methods:  ... more
    1. Initialising Reflection on memory Culture: ... more
    2. Initialising reflection on Learning processes: ... more
  3. Teaching Materials: ... more

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