Press Article: Christian Semler: Der Staat und die Erinnerung. taz. 23.12.2009

The German (“alternative”) newspaper “die tageszeitung” (taz) published a commentary by Christian Semler today on the debate around the project to install a “Center against displacements” (Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen) promoted by the German “association of displaced” (“Bund der Vertriebenen“) headed by Erika Steinbach and on the role of the state in the plans to institutionalize this:

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One Response to Press Article: Christian Semler: Der Staat und die Erinnerung. taz. 23.12.2009

  1. Lisa Rosa says:

    I like Christian Semler since he has changed from K-group-ideology times. He is one who has re-thought much since the seventies.

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