These days road work has been done on the playing ground next to the elementary school in Honningsvåg. Interested pupils of the 3rd grade were watching these works and all of a sudden one of them found a hourse shoe. After a short time, the whole group was digging successfully after more findings. Dirty, but very proud, they presented their archaeological findings: many parts of ironclad stove, a grasp of a jar, small pieces of glass and ceramics were exhibited in the class-room.
On tuesday November 3rd a small group of pupils came to the museum and asked for more information. We visited them at their school the next day. The museum educator, Camilla Daae-Qvale showed some pictures of Honningsvåg after World War II and tried to explain to the class the living conditions at this time.
The church was the only building left in Honningsv√•g after the burning in autumn 1944. The first people returned after the evacuation and moved into the church. Subsequently the church was used as a mess hall for construction workers while over the time people were given barracks to live in. Honningsv√•g was «the town of barracks‚Äù.
 The pupils are very interested and want to continue with their project with a new study visit at the museum.
I think, this is a very nice story about how learning can be motivated by contingency and about how the teacher used the opportunity very well in this case. The latter is not common usage while following a fixed curriculum – in Germany, for one.